Jumat, 16 Desember 2016
Subdistrict upstream Tayan, Sanggau district is one which has the potential kecamaan swamp land large enough in the utilization of space, which is divided into several Hydrological Region Peat (KHG). The process of spatial planning, which resulted in regional spatial planning (RTRW) is basically a form of intervention that human interaction / mortal with the environment can go hand in hand and balanced to achieve human well-being / living beings as well as environmental sustainability and sustainable development. Management and utilization of swamp areas for agriculture is facing challenges, among others, seawater intrusion, soil fertility is low, the pH of acid soil, the content of NPK nutrients is relatively low, land subsidence were great after the drainage and water availability of agricultural raw dwindling due to damage the function of protected peatland ecosystems. The research objectives are: (1) the distribution aspect indication of sea water intrusion and land spatial spatial acid sulfate; (2) Evaluation of land to consider the suitability and availability of agricultural land in order to improve the economy of farmers swamp; (3) Optimize the planning of protected areas (coastal and river border) as well as the potential for groundwater protection area (the peat dome) or other protection potential; and (4) Provide recommendations swamp land planning policy directives in the revised spatial District to increase rice production and revision of spatial planning in Muara Sabak Peat Hydrological Region East. This study uses primary data obtained through sampling and shallow groundwater solum based line transects and direct observation. Then samples of water and soil testing laboratotium to get the required parameters. The collection of data in the form of questionnaires and in-depth interviews to the community (farmers) to obtain information about agriculture and rice production in the KHG. Secondary data using existing data obtained from various related agencies. The analytical method used is (1) Analysis of the distribution of indications of sea water intrusion and land acid sulfate interpolation technique IDW, synthesis and analysis by observing the spatial patterns of pH, DHL and its interaction with land use: (2) Evaluation of the suitability and availability of land paddy pengkelasan land with overlay method of base maps based on factors inhibiting and suitability criteria rice field; (3) planning the management of protected areas and the potential for groundwater protection area with IDW techniques, image interpretation adapted to the regulations Green Belt and peat dome; (4) to formulate the direction of swamp land planning to increase rice production and revision of spatial KHG East Muara Sabak by point 1,2 and 3. The results showed that the KHG East Muara Sabak largely been influenced by sea water intrusion and acid sulfate soil. Intrusion of sea water is estimated to have affected an area of 30 909 hectares in the north (near the coast) and potentially will reduce rice production by the estimated crop yield losses of 20-50% or more. The area is classified as a potential acid sulphate soil, according to the classification of the degree of acidity of soil pH is still potential for rice production area of 43,332 Ha. The availability and suitability of raw paddy land overall area of 7340.59 ha with land suitability classes S3 (marginally suitable). Areal coastal protected areas and river banks, have been degraded and converted kepenggunaan cultivated land area of 1,665 hectares of the total area of protected areas covering 4,600 ha area. Zoning plan is protected cultivation area with an area of 11 446 hectares of extensive KHG is a solution to protect agricultural barns raw water availability. Local government policy directives for the revision of the RTRW districts to increase rice production and revision of spatial strongly associated with the problem of public welfare in terms of economic and food security in terms of production
Selasa, 29 November 2016
English Note
Grammar : synonyms of Verb and
Adverbs for Academic English
Exercise 1. Verbs
Instuctions : Write the letter
associated with the synonyms (exercise 1. Verbs) corresponding synonym next to
each word
1. B Obliterate A. Adjust
2. C Severed B. Destroyed
3. M Conceive C. Cut
4. E Tolerate D. Calm
5. K Ingest
E. Allow
F. Enlarge
7. A Calibrate G. Support
8. F Magnify
H. Float
9. Incentivize I. Motivate
10. N Speculate
J. Carify
11. H Levitate K. Consume
12. J Illustrate L. Interfere
13. Lucidate M.
14. Impede
N. Theorize
15. I Advocat
e O. Exemplify
Exercise 2. Adverbs
instuctiouns : write the letter
associated eith the Synonyms (Exercise 2. Adverb) corresponding synonym nozt to
each word
1. A Methodically
A. Systematically
2. N Begrudgingly
B. Weakly
3. D Amicably
C. Severely
4. C Fiercely D. Quietly
5. K Unintelligibly
E. Privately
6. I Sporadically F. Intently
7. L Unequivocally
G. Eagerly
8. G Zealously
H. Painfully
9. H Laboriously I. Occasionally
10. M Earnetly J. Absolutely
11. L Indisputably K. Uncearly
12. J Definitively L. Indisputably
13. B Faintly M. Resentifully
14. E Discreeetly
N. Resentfully
Teenage Depression
According to Young Minds, in a school of
1,000 pupils aged 14-18, 50 of them might be seriously depressed. As many as 1
in 5 could be affected at some time. We investigate why more and more teenegers
are suffering from mental illness.
A difficult time
Being a teeneger has alwash been
difficult. Emotions and moods shange rapidly. Many teenagers feel confused and
afraid when the safety of chilhood is left behind. These days, experts say that
things are even harder. Peter Wilson, theDirector of Young Minds, says, "
we live in particularly difficuloungster. There are huge cultural pressures and
a lot of broken homes. Kids may have difficult relationships with parents, or
in other cases, have no one to support them.”
No one is happy all the time
Everyone feels unhappy, lonely or
misunderstood from time to time. But a small number of teenegers become
depressed for weeks or months without change, and they begin to find that they
can’t continue with their normal lives. Many teenagers don’t want to ask, or
don’t know how to ask for help. Perharps they don’n even realize they are
depressed. It is usually other people – friend, parents and teachers, who
identify the symptoms of depression and offer help. One teeneger explained that
after a close friend had died, “I stopped believing that anything could be any
good anymore. I became very aggressive, I snapped at my parents and i lost
touch with friends. Things were bad for me for a year until, fortunately for
me, a teacher noticed that things were wrong.”
If you recognize these symtoms in
yourself or a friend, there are lots of things that can be done. You can’t
expect yourself, or someone else to just ‘snap out of it’. You need to find
ways to cope with the feelings.
How to help yourself or someone else
If you are worried about, a friend,
listen to their problem and try to be sympatheitic, and be patient. Most
importantly, try and help them find help. If you’re feeling blue yourself,
don’t panic-you need to try and understand your emotions. You are not the first
person to feel like this. Try writing things down in a diary or talking to a
friend. Perharps writing a poem or song, drawing a picture or listening to
music will help you express and understand your emotions. But most importantly
of all, do somethng you enjoy, whethers it’s watching TV, playing sport or just
going for a walk.
Talk to someone
It is a good idea for teenagers who feel
depressed to try and talk to someone they like and feel comfortable with. Buy
if they don’t want to talk to friends adn family, there are lots of people who
are there to help. They coud talk to their teacher or school nurse or maybe
their doctor. Alternatively, there are telephone help lines which give
concidential help to anyone with a problem. Talking to someone might help
others to cope with how they are feeling.
There is someone who can help
Sometimes, depression can become a very
serious problem, and teenagers think about trying to escape their feelings.
They might consider suicide or self injury. When the problem has got so bad,
professional help from qualified specialist counselors is vital. Counselors are
trained to talk to people about their worries and problems. It is important to
remember that everyone feels sad and unhappy sometimes, it is natural. Remember
that, no matter how bad you feel, the feelings of sadness and hppiness will
come to an end.
1. Vocabulary
Match the word or phrases from the
article with their definitions.
1. Broken home
(C) a. Harm that you do to yourself deliberately
2. To snap at someone (H)
b. To recover quickly
3. To lose
touch c.
A family where the parents have separated
4. To snap out of it
d. To deal
successfully with a situation
5. To cope
e. To lose contact
6. Blue
f. A telephone advice service
7. Help line
g. A person professionally trained to talk to people
about their problems
8. Self-injury h. To speak to someone angrily
9. Counselor i. Unhappy (informal)
2. Comprehension
According to the text, are the following
sentences true or false ? (circle ‘T’for true and an ‘F’ for else next to each
1. Teenegers don’t want to become adults.
2. Teenegers ofte don’t know how to get helps with their
depression T/F
3. Other people are usually the firs to see that you are
depressed T/F
4. A common syptom of teenage behavior is moody
behavior T/F
5. It is easly to recover quickly from serious
depression. T/F
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