Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

1.perkenalan 2.soal:     - What first choice     - Megapa select agronomics     - Why do they persist diilmu ground     - What the plan when it sesai of soil science          sejatera greetings to us all right I introduce myself. my name is Dominic arjun, I was born in the village of mandong 20-January-1998. comes from, mandong village, subdistrict upstream Tayan, district sanggau.dan I llulusan SMK BINA MAIN The figure, okay sign on the first point; Right as I choose Faperta her from the start but I had to choose three study programs, namely: agribusiness, argotek, and then fell to the science tanh.kenapa tanh science, it is because I did not know also that the results of the tests that I follow, Right as it did not fit and far smk different from my department, and I think again why not try Prodi soil science, this, I menuru cool soil science as well, and I began to love degan soil science, and I aspires megenal subjects who had never able to smk me ,. even though there are still many obstacles I had to be, apply it even if difficult to accept, mukin God also gave it the best for aku.dan after I graduated from my nti tanh science pegen membagun gardens and fields fathers who've long uncultivated and distinguished science degan I can from the Faculty of Agriculture and the department of soil science, sya aKN kn apply its in kampun me, so much of me I said to acknowledge cation

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