Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

barang yang dibawa

helo my name is Dominic arjun friend I want to share items of goods that often I bring that out hostels are hp, wallet. Its usefulness hp is to inform colleagues when he asked our help, for we menghubugi friend, brother, if we have trouble on the road. whereas wallet for to save money, credit cards, E ID card, driver's license motor vehicles, STNK.dan as his, if we do not bawak dompen we will be hard, what more we live in the city, a lot of rules that we must also patuhi.dan usability wallet, for we save money, if we do not bring our wallets will be hard for shopping or even about we hbis gasoline degan what we bought it about we do not bawak wallet. friend "wallet degan hp it sagat useful for us who live kampong and myriads of what else we've grown and Sagat helpful to save money though not kececer where, save KTP biat not lost, SIM motorized let me not be lost and easily find it and easily retrieved , let the motor vehicle registration is not lost. and also for our hp browsing, pacebook late, fuel, and also for us to get that didak ever we can from the campus, and information about perkulaha, to clay values, today hp already cangih even exceed robot brain, and manausia.jadi My advice to friends Bawan right lah hp when you leave the house

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